Teens Ministry
Our church desires to help our Jr. High and High School students to grow in the knowledge of God and develop their own faith and skills in discipleship. We do this through relevant Biblical teaching, providing godly examples of faith, praying for them, and planning opportunities for them to build meaningful relationships with one another, the church and the community.
Bible Classes:
We provide Bible classes for our Jr. and Sr. High students on Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM and Sunday morning at 9:30 AM as well as a variety of devotionals at teen events throughout the year. Our classes are focused on the Bible and issues that confront our teens today.

Our teens spend a spiritually uplifting weekend with thousands of other teens at the Winterfest Youth Rally in Gatlinburg, TN. Here they have the opportunity to hear powerful speakers, experience worship in a larger setting, and participate in meaningful late night conversations. The whole weekend is a very formative experience for our teens, both in terms of their walk with God and their relationships with one another.
Midwest LTC:
Center Road also provides an opportunity for our teens to develop spiritual disciplines and skills by participating in Midwest Leadership Training for Christ. This is an organization designed to stimulate and encourage spiritual, mental, and social growth among our youth in grades three through twelve by participation in a variety of individual and group events. An annual convention is held each year at various locations in Indiana to allow the students to display their projects and participate in the events. For more information, please check out their website at www.mwltc.net.

More Activities:
In addition to the events listed above, our teens participate in a variety of devotionals, service projects, lock-ins, out of town trips and family dinners. During the summer, they are actively involved in helping to conduct our Vacation Bible School for our young children.
We invite you to bless your teens by encouraging them to become involved in our Teens Ministry. For more information, please contact us by phone at (765) 453-1448 or e-mail at info@centerandpark.org.